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Vintage Surfboards, Surfing Memorabilia, and all things Surfing

Brass Shaka


Hang loose with this cute brass shaka hand. Just like “aloha” means much more than just “hello” or “goodbye,” the shaka is more than just a simple greeting or gesture of thanks. The simple gesture symbolises reverence, solidarity, compassion and friendship. It is a sign of respect and mutual understanding for the recipient.

Dimensions: 11cm tall

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SKU: HOMShakaBrass Categories: ,


Hang loose with this cute brass shaka hand. Just like “aloha” means much more than just “hello” or “goodbye,” the shaka is more than just a simple greeting or gesture of thanks. The simple gesture symbolises reverence, solidarity, compassion and friendship. It is a sign of respect and mutual understanding for the recipient.

Dimensions: 11cm tall